Increased Maturity

[our strategic services]

We aim for success in every change, initiative, and project. That’s why we actively focus on enhancing leadership, change management, and project management maturity across the organization. By boosting organizational maturity, we ensure the capability to execute transitions, changes, and projects that consistently deliver success and sustainability.

Enhanced leadership maturity

We believe that leadership and its development are vital for building a society and organizations that surpass the current state. Courage drives innovation and growth, yet it also empowers us to challenge established truths when they fall short of expectations. In this context, pragmatism and open-mindedness are essential. Honesty and transparency involve owning the outcomes of our collective efforts, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. Inclusion, to us, extends beyond diversity; it encompasses leveraging collective intelligence to make optimal decisions. We refuse to let hierarchies and organizational boundaries hinder us from integrating knowledge that guides us towards wise choices.

Our areas for increased maturity

Maturity in Change

Change is a journey, and sometimes, one needs assistance and guidance to reach their destination. At Arkatay, we have embarked on this journey many times before, and we are more than willing to do it again – together with you.

Project Maturity

Project maturity is the key to transforming visions into success. By integrating proven methods and continuously improving processes, we lay a solid foundation for sustainable and effective project outcomes.

Leadership Development

At Arkatay, our expertise ranges from supporting leaders through assurance and driving change to conducting maturity assessments. Based on the data gathered, we understand the need for leadership support within the organization.

Strategic Alignment

How can an organization effectively ensure that the strategy formulated at the top is seamlessly integrated into operational activities? With our advisory services, process development, and implementation support, we can help facilitate your strategic endeavors.

Leadership & Culture

In our efforts to develop leadership and culture within the framework of a project maturity journey, we emphasize the importance of viewing it as a voyage. We support you throughout the entire process, from the starting point, through the development phase, and together, we reach the destination.


What does it mean to be a self-governing organization? Can this organizational form help you achieve your goals - and if so, how? Arkatay is a self-governing organization that operates according to self-governing principles, and we are happy to share our knowledge about this.


At Arkatay, we view sustainability as the most crucial component in creating project success. We aim to contribute to increasing the number of successful projects and firmly believe that this can be achieved without depleting economic, social, or environmental resources.


There's a lot to consider when tackling procurement. At Arkatay, we're your reliable partner throughout the procurement process, from clearly defining needs to ensuring long-term sustainability in the outcome.

What characterizes a project-mature organization?

Dispersed expertise

In a project-mature organization, knowledge is widely distributed, and the foundational level is elevated. Each individual is adequately prepared for their project roles, be it as project managers or steering group members. The methodologies employed are deliberate and structured, permeating all projects and organizational sectors. Moreover, ongoing learning and growth are integrated into daily routines, fostering continual enhancement and adjustment to evolving conditions.


It’s about culture, systematics, and continuity – working in a wise and purposeful manner, without wasting any financial, physical, or human resources. In a way that benefits both the organization and its employees. Together with our clients, we examine the organizational culture and how well the organization masters methods, processes, and tools, identify valuable improvements to implement, and provide support throughout the change process.

Sustainable project management

This concept often involves integrating program and portfolio management practices within the organization. Sometimes, the greatest benefits can be found here, for example, by becoming proficient in selecting the right projects to start, knowing how many projects one can handle concurrently, and continuously challenging and evaluating the business value of ongoing projects to make wise prioritizations.

Get in touch with us!

Do you want to learn more about how we work with increased project maturity within organizations? Don’t hesitate to contact us through the form below.

Get in touch with us!

Johanna Fransson håller utbildning

14 juni - 18 juni

Project Management in practice

Project Management in Practice är en 3-dagars grundläggande utbildning som riktar sig till individer som strävar efter att fördjupa sina kunskaper inom projektledning. Ta steget och anmäl dig här!