
[ as a foundation for successful projects ]

At Arkatay, we see sustainability as the most important part in creating project success. We want to contribute to increasing the number of successful projects and are convinced that this can be done without impoverishing economic, social, or environmental resources.


Pervading implementation

For an organization to successfully implement their sustainability strategy it’s important that a sustainability perspective permeates all the organization’s processes, decisions, and governance. Many organizations have well thought-out sustainability strategies at corporate level, but that often lack the desired impact in the operative projects – regardless if it’s about product development, new infrastructure, or change projects.

This is something that we want to counteract! We are convinced that to successfully implement one’s sustainability strategy, the everyday work and the operative side of the organization must consider the sustainability strategy in everything they do. Because it is when the sustainability strategy is considered as well as implemented throughout the organization, and when the project- and steering group decisions live up to the strategy that long-term benefits can be achieved for real! Currently, there are too many project managers that have difficulties in linking their projects to the sustainability strategy and thus only govern their projects based on scope, time, cost, and quality.


Based on your context and needs

By being perceptive to the challenges that the organization faces when it comes to your sustainability ambitions we can support, manage, and educate to ensure that you minimize the gap between the strategy and the operative business. Among other things, we have developed a working method called “Sustainable Project Management” that details how this can be done in organizations. The purpose of the working method is to link project work together with an organization’s sustainability strategy and by doing so ensuring that projects are managed in a sustainable way, based on every sustainability dimension.

To best be able to mediate this working method, we offer training of project managers within sustainable project management, organizational development, and

Sustainability Assurance (a project role with the responsibility of ensuring the sustainability aspects in a project).  Some of the most prominent effects of working with sustainability and sustainable project management is that it provides a higher fulfillment of the organization’s sustainability strategy, along with all the benefits it generates (such as long-term competitiveness, PR and reputation, ability to attract and retain employees, etc.). It can also bring a more effective implementation of projects through focusing on conscious commitments that lead to better project decisions and resourcefulness in the projects.


Are you interested in knowing more about how we can assist your organization when it comes to sustainability? Please contact us through the contact form below and we’ll be in touch.


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Feel free to read more about how we work with increasing project maturity in organizations.